
At PhoneBox you do not need to make a deposit if you provide a valid credit card when you sign up. For rentals and other unique instances a deposit may still be required. Ask our staff if you are wondering about a specific plan.

When terminating your PhoneBox Account and you wish to port out your number please inform us ahead of time. If you cancel your account without telling us before hand you may not be able to take your number with you.

After Terminating your account with us you will receive your cash deposit (if you made one) on the 15th of the month after your final invoice a full Billing Cycle after your last month using our service. This is because the invoice your receive immediately after you cancel your account will not have your final months overages. There is a "lag" or "delay" of a month for overages to be calculated.

You will not receive your deposit unless you have paid all overages and have returned all (if any) rented items. If you have not returned your rented items and or have an outstanding balance on your account you will not receive your deposit until you pay or return the rented items. We will deduct any outstanding balance from your credit card or cash deposit after 2-3 months of an outstanding balance or unreturned rental items. After this time we will report you to a collections agency either in Canada or your home country to recover any funds owed or to replace any devices or other rented items.

We are able to return your deposit to you via your credit card directly regardless of where you are in the world, we can give it back to you in person at one of our locations and if you have a Canadian bank account we are able to deposit into your account if you provide all the necessary banking information. International Credit cards may require an additional 5% processing fee.

When you rent a phone from PhoneBox, whether it is a free rental or not you will have to pay a deposit. Prices of rental devices may vary.

You will receive your rental deposit a full billing period after your last months invoice. This is because the invoice your receive immediately after you cancel your account will not have your final months overages. There is a "lag" or "delay" of a month for overages to be calculated. If you have no outstanding balances and have returned all your rented items your deposit will be returned to you. If you have outstanding balances or unreturned rented items you will not receive your deposit until your rented items are returned. If you do not pay your outstanding balance or return your rented items 2-3 months after your account has been canceled or suspended we will take the money out of your deposit or the credit card you provided when you signed up. After this time we will also provide your information to a collections agency either in Canada or your home country to recover any outstanding balance.


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